Coffee Machine

The importance of training with a real one


If you’re thinking about becoming a professional barista,  one thing you should know is that you can’t just learn watching a video, or listening to someone’s explanation:

you definitely need to practice, practice, and still practice with a real coffee machine.

A long time ago, I and my collegues of Barista PRO were working behind the bar, serving coffee to people like you might already do, or like you wish to do.

The perfume of coffee in the very first morning, the delicate sunlight, the smile of people who were enjoying a perfect Cappuccino…

When I think of it from the outside, such a memory seems very quiet, calm, simple… but it is NOT, actually!

In many moments of your shift you have to manage quickly a long row of people waiting just for you, and if you make wrong a single Coffee or Cappuccino, then everybody will have to wait more, getting nervous and making you nervous as well.

Not really a dream come true, right?

Of course, when you’re a Professional Barista Coffee, you just don’t make such mistakes:

you can work fast at the coffee machine, with perfect moves, and always know what is the right thing to do, especially when you’re under pressure.

To become a Professional Barista Coffee all you need to do is practice, practice, and more practice with a real coffee machine!

This is why our courses in Berlin are not like those seminars where somebody speaks, and students just listen.

You will NOT be watching slides, nor a video of how you should make some fancy latte art.

Most of the time you will be working at the coffee machine making amazing Coffees and Cappuccinos, and not just one by the time.

Since the very first day of class, we will teach you how to make more beverages at the same time, in order to learn how to manage pressuring situations.

In the last years we trained thousands of Professional Baristas, and if their careers have immediately risen up, surely part of the credit goes to our practical and efficient way of teaching.

No complains, no useless words:

just a lot of excercise with a real coffee machine, of course with the most innovative Made in Italy service techiniques in the art of Coffee!

If you want to become a true professional in this field, I can only suggest you to subscribe to a mostly practical barista training course.

If for some reason you really don’t want to learn from our italian Coffee experts, just don’t forget my tip! 🙂

See you soon in Berlin!


Coffee Service Innovated by Italians,